Smart DNS (GeoDNS) service comparation

Why make such comparison?

In order to deploy load balancing based on geographic location, I need to choose one GeoDNS service, so I write this post which compares different GeoDNS offers from price, number of PoPs, GeoDNS level.


Company Price Number of DNS servers(cheapest offer) Reference
DNSPod(CN) Free More than 8 DNS nodes(In Shang Hai and Nan Jing), can solve based on route (Telecom, Unicom, Mobile, Education Network, Radio and Television, Tietong, Domestic, Overseas) and search engine (Baidu, Google, Youdao, Bing, Sogou, Qihoo).
DNSPod(Global) Free I did not find the number of DNS server, so I assume it is the same as CN version, which is more than 8. Split zones by country, continent and search engine are supported.
HUAWEI cloud(Global) Free DNS services deployed in more than 20 countries or regions. In China, split zones by provinces is supported. In oversea, split zones by country is supported.
Alibaba Cloud(CN) Free 4 DNS nodes in the Chinese mainland. 0 DNS node outside the Chinese mainland. Can resolve based on route(Lines of China Unicom, China Telecom, China Mobile, China Education and Research Network (CERNET), and Oversea). $1 Monthly Minimum. First 1 million query is free, $0.3/million after 1 million. 36+ global DNS PoPs. Resolution level cannot be found on official webpage. Free There are global network of over 180 Anycast DNS servers. Split zone by Continents, Countries, ASNs are supported.
Oracle $0.85/million queries Number of DNS nodes is not found on official webpage. The level of resolution based on geoip is not found on official webpage.
AWS Route53 $0.50 per hosted zone per month for the first 25 hosted zones. $0.10 per hosted zone per month for additional hosted zones. A hosted zone includes up to 10,000 records. For each record greater than 10,000 per hosted zone, you will be charged $0.0015 per month. $0.70 first 1 billion queries per month), $0.35 per million queries over 1 billion queries per month There are 93 DNS servers over the world(on all continents except Antarctica). Geo DNS provides three levels of geographic granularity: continent, country, and state, and Geo DNS also provides a global record which is served in cases where an end user’s location doesn’t match any of the specific Geo DNS records you have created. $9.95/month There are 64 Global PoPs. GeoDNS has 4 Anycast DNS servers. Geo DNS provides three levels of geographic granularity: continent, country, and regions(Currently only for United States and Canada are available), and Geo DNS also provides a global record which is served in cases where an end user’s location doesn’t match any of the specific Geo DNS records you have created.
ns1 Free Global scale with 26 PoP locations. The level of resolution based on geoip is not found on official webpage.

What did I choose in the end?

Finally, I chose AWS Route53 as my smart DNS provider.