Principle of Toxicology Sep. 4 2024

Hazards and risks

Factors influencing toxicology

  1. Methyl-Hg is easier to pass BBB compared to Hg+, it has bad effect to brain development.


  1. NOAEL: No Observed Adverse Effect Level
  2. LOAEL: Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level
  3. BMD: Benchmark Dose Modeling


  1. Risk = Toxicity/Hazard × Exposure

  2. What is toxicology?

    Studies of interaction between chemicals and living organisms resulting in unwanted/adverse (toxic) effects

  3. Toxicity: The ability of a chemical to cause damage to a living

    organism (toxic effect)

  4. Factors influencing toxicity

    1. Chemical properties
    2. The biological system
    3. Exposure
    4. Kinetics (ADME)
    5. Individual sensitivity
    6. Interaction with other chemicals
  5. Types of toxicity

    • Local Toxicity
    • Systemic Toxicity

    Reversible or irreversible effects
    Immediate or delayed toxicity

  6. Characteristics of target organs:

    1. High blood flow

    2. High metabolic capacity

    3. Directly exposed

    4. Specific sensitivity

Sustainability and toxicology

  • Project assinment


  1. What is sustainable development?

    A development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs