TOEFL discussion writing practice--2023-12-04(2)

My answer

Kelly presents a compelling argument in favor of salary when choosing a job. Admittedly, money is more and more critical in modern society. However, considering the friendship between colleages, I am inclined to prioritize interaction with colleagues of the job. In my view, our life contains not only money, but also friends, who are the most valuable parts of our lifetime. Friends can provides you with selfless help whenever you are in trouble. For example one week ago, in my company, my printer suddenly shut down and were not able to work. It was an urgent task that I must use the printer to finish. In this key point, my colleage, also my best friend gave me a hand by printing the material in his printer, solving my problem. Therefore, I firmly believe that a job with more interaction with colleage can add more colors to your life, in which you will make many precious friends.

Refined by ChatGPT

Kelly rightly emphasizes the importance of salary in job satisfaction, considering the practical necessity of earning a living. However, I personally prioritize regular interaction with colleagues over a high salary. While financial stability is crucial, the richness of life lies in meaningful connections. Colleagues can become valuable friends, offering support beyond professional realms. A recent incident at work exemplifies this; when facing an urgent task with a malfunctioning printer, a colleague and friend stepped in, highlighting the support and camaraderie possible in jobs with regular human interaction. Ultimately, I believe a job that balances decent pay with interpersonal connections adds depth and fulfillment to one’s professional journey.

What I learned today

  • Some new expression method

    • necessary


    • live

      earn a living

    • prioritize

      prioritize regular interaction with colleagues over a high salary

    • meaning

      richness of life

    • example

      A recent incident exemplifies this,

    • broke printer

      malfunctioning printer

    • help solve the problem

      step in

    • friendship


    • add colors to one’s life

      add depth and fulfillment to one’s professional journey